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Orgonites - some technical info

Orgonite constitutes a fusion of inorganic and organic elements, complemented by the inclusion of quartz crystals, with the intent of fashioning a device for energy transmutation. This device attracts Orgone, commonly known as life-force energy, draws out negative energy, and converts it into a positive force. Widely acknowledged for its efficacy in energy healing and shielding against electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs), orgonite emerged in the 20th century through the pioneering work of Wilhelm Reich.

Reich, an Austrian psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, discovered this unique substance in the 1930s during his exploration of energy. He coined the term "orgone" to describe a pervasive energy he believed existed in all living entities, playing a pivotal role in physical and mental well-being. To harness and manipulate this energy, Reich introduced the concept of orgonite—a blend of organic and inorganic components, typically resin and quartz crystals. This combination was purported to interact with orgone energy, facilitating its free and harmonious flow.

At the core of Reich's philosophy was the transformative potential of orgonite, capable of converting negative energy into positive vitality. He asserted that the use of orgonite could eliminate energy blockages, contributing to improved physical and emotional health. Orgonite, often fashioned into pyramids or smaller pieces, is acclaimed for its metaphysical attributes, including the removal of energy blockages, promotion of restful sleep, enhancement of healing, and overall health benefits.

Reich's insights into orgone energy unveiled the detrimental effects of negative energy, particularly stagnant and harmful orgone energy, on our well-being. He identified this stagnation as Deadly Orgone Energy (DOR), attributing its accumulation to modern technologies emitting electromagnetic frequencies and other forms of pollution. These disruptions impede the natural flow of cosmic energy, resulting in the formation of stagnant energy pockets that adversely impact our physical and mental equilibrium.

Advocating for the use of orgonite, Reich proposed that its combination of organic resin and inorganic materials like quartz crystals could counteract the harmful effects of DOR. By transmuting negative energy into positive orgone energy, orgonite emerges as a potent tool for restoring vitality and well-being. Recognizing the potential hazards of stagnant orgone energy arising from exposure to electromagnetic frequencies, Reich emphasized the incorporation of orgonite into our lives as a means to restore balance and foster a healthier energetic state.

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