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Black Tourmaline
Purification, Protection 
* Associated with the Root Chakra
* Ability to transmute & purify negative energy, protecting ones energy field, attachments, entities & energetic debris 
* Grounding & supportive 
* Assists one to overcome stress or worry 
* Provides protection from electromagnetic energy


Albite (Feldspar)
Memory, Meditation, Balance, Lucid Dreaming
* Associated with the Crown & Third Eye Chakras 
* Stimulates the brain making it helpful for   enhancing ones memory 
* Activates the Third Eye Chakra which can    intensify ones intuitive gifts & psychic abilities
* Enhances lucid dreaming
* May help create a more balanced life


Clear Quartz
Amplification, Energy, Cleansing, Healing 
* Associated with all Chakras
* Encourages clarity of thought & purpose of ones heart & mind
* Resonates with all chakras 
* Amplifies energy
* Used for healing & manifestation
*Establishes strong clear connection to higher guidance

Black Tourmaline & Albite in Clear Quartz

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