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“Sphalerite” (Marketed as Sphalerite but is actually a combination of Fluorite, Quartz, Calcite, Galena, Pyrite & Sphalerite)
Courage, Focus, Grounding, Growth
*Associated with all Chakras
* Powerful manifestation
* Helps become more discerning—ability to see who’s being genuine
* Grounding & raises ones courage, drive & focus
* Enhancing ones belief in themselves & help to unlock ones full potential
* Additionally—holds all the attributes of all the minerals it is made up from


Amplification, Energy, Cleansing, Healing 
* Associated with all Chakras
* Encourages clarity of thought & purpose of ones heart & mind
* Resonates with all chakras 
* Amplifies energy
* Used for healing & manifestation
* Establishes strong clear connection to higher guidance


Manifestation, Action, Vitality, Will Power 
* Associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra 
* Helps us to take action & create abundance in our life 
* Warming & stimulating & encourages us to be more dynamic & creative 
* Excellent for manifestation & aids in grounding higher knowledge into action
* Increases stamina & enhances physical performance 


Galena, Sphalerite, Quartz & Pyrite Specimen

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