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Natural soy blend wax & natural fragrance oil. 

Colour, scent & crystal aligned to the specific chakra. 


The 4th Chakra, the Heart Chakra, represents our ability to love, the quality of our love, our past loves and our future loves. The heart chakra, or Anahata in its original Sanskrit name, colors our life with compassion, love, and beauty. Driven by the principles of transformation and integration, the fourth energy center is said to bridge earthly and    spiritual aspirations.
What affects our Heart Chakra: Love, joy, inner peace
Color: Green
Healing Exercises:
Bikram Yoga
Love, love, love. Simply opening up our hearts to others is the best healing exercise to open up the Heart Chakra.
Healing Foods: Green colored foods like leafy vegetables and spinach, Green tea

The heart chakra can become imbalanced as a result of life experiences that have a strong emotional charge,    physical ailments, or significant changes in your environment. It may manifests as a blockage in the energy flow or, on the contrary, a tendency to become overactive or have an excess of energy.

You can see the following signs of imbalance in the heart chakra :

· Being overly defensive

· Feeling closed down

· Jealousy; fear of intimacy

· Codependency, relying on other’s approval and attention, trying to please at all cost

· Always putting oneself in the role of the savior or the rescuer; or on the contrary, falling into victimization

· Excessive isolation, being recluse, antisocial

· Holding grudges, not being to forgive

At the physical level, it can manifest as:

· Respiratory ailments, such as lung infection, bronchitis

· Circulatory and heart-related issues

· When the energy in your fourth chakra is blocked or hindered, you may experience what is sometimes referred to as heart chakra pain.

Heart Chakra candle

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