Rutilated Quartz
Amplification, Expanding Awareness, Manifestation
* Associated with all Chakras
* Grounds light energy into the physical body & activates the higher mind
* Helps to increase clarity & concentration
* Perfect to program with your intention, the metallic rutile inclusions act to amplify the energy of the Quartz
* Rutile's of red/brown can assist in removing blockages to health & abundance
* Rutile's of gold activate ones creativity & can aid receiving divine inspiration
* Rutile's of silver enhance intuitive ability
Smoky Quartz
Grounding, Protection, Manifestation
* Associated with the Root Chakra
* Most powerful grounding & clearing stone
* Cleanses & clears the aura & energetic systems, grounding it for reprocessing by the Earth
* Used to counter the negative effects of radiation & electromagnetic fields
* Regarded as the protective stone
* Absorbs an enormous amount of negativity
* Particularly good stones for protection in a psychic sense
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