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Protection, Divine Connection, Healing, Focus, Expansion
Birthstone: February
Zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius
Element: Wind
Chakras: Third Eye & Crown
MOH’s: 7

* Facilitates meditation
* Part of the Quartz family
* Translates in Greek to “not drunken”
* Facilitates intuition & communication
* Helps release & overcome addictions
* Accelerates intuitive & psychic abilities
* Opens & clears third eye & crown chakras
* In ancient times was a symbol of luxury or royalty
* Great for meditation as it reduces stress & anxiety
* Protective, Purifies the mind, Clears negative thoughts
* Helps identify behaviours behind emotional patterns & encourages us to take responsibility for our reality

MANTRA: “I trust myself. I see what I need and it will come to me”.

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