Welcome to Splendiferous - helping to make your life Magnificent!
We pride ourselves in offering you the best quality, environmentally friendly, natural & locally sourced products available.
We hand pick our beautiful crystals, so you can be assured you receive the best quality & price when purchasing your new gems.
Being environmentally friendly is a big ideology we stand behind and these days making the switch to eco products is easier than ever, from natural cleaning products to reusable household items, we make it easy and seamless in your change for the betterment of our planet.
Encompassing the natural health practices and principles of days gone by is another big part of what we offer here at Splendiferous. Herbal remedies, essential oils, alternative & holistic approaches to health & well-being play a big role in today's busy & ever changing lives.
We have a great team of stockists that are from our local region that hand make an amazing and broad range of products to use in your everyday life or as a fabulous gift for a loved one.