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Inner Peace, Union of the heart & will 
* Associated with the Heart & Solar Plexus Chakras 
* Calm energy & is a gentle & nurturing stone 
* Cools down anger & helps quieten restlessness, nervousness & worry 
* Releases emotional debris from the aura & connects our hearts to nature & the planet Earth 
* Can facilitate the expression of emotions or thoughts & help us to communicate in a non judgmental way
* Can be used to enhance lucid dreaming and banish nightmares 


Rainbow Moonstone

Self Discovery, Intuition, Dreams, Goddess 
* Associated with the Third Eye & Crown Chakras 
* Encourages us to pay attention to the cycles of our lives & celebrate milestones
* Teaches us to let go of frustrations & to surrender to the flow of natural progress
* Connects us with deep intuition & psychic awareness
* Allows us to embrace the ebb & flow of the moon 
* Believed to help in stabilizing female hormones & males to become attuned to hormonal shifts



Angelic Communication, Serenity 
* Associated with Third Eye & Crown Chakras
* Stimulates spiritual senses, enhancing inner vision & dream work 
* Brings calm & uplifted feeling into the emotional body 
* Helps one to feel safe & overcome paranoia 
* Brings deep serenity into bedrooms
* Great for kids that suffer nightmares


Rose Quartz

Love, Gentleness, Emotional Healing 
* Associated with the Heart Chakra
* Stone of love, for others & yourself 
* Calming for the mind, assisting us to release worry, fear & past emotional trauma 
* Allows us to be more open to receiving & sharing love, compassion & kindness
* Provides physical stability & strength to the heart 



Manifestation, Mental Clarity, Creativity 
* Associated with Root, Sacral & Solar Plexus Chakras
* A great manifestation crystal , helping to clear & activate the lower chakras
* Helps us to maintain direction & overcome obstacles 
* Assist with setting proper emotional boundaries & clearly maintaining them 



13cm wide 

Prehnite, Moonstone, Celestite, Rose Q, Citrine & Clear Quartz Pyramid Orgonite

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