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Rose Quartz

Love, Gentleness, Emotional Healing 
* Associated with the Heart Chakra
* Stone of love, for others & yourself 
* Calming for the mind, assisting us to release worry, fear & past emotional trauma 
* Allows us to be more open to receiving & sharing love, compassion & kindness
* Provides physical stability & strength to the heart 



Protection, Divine Connection
* Associated with Third Eye & Crown Chakras 
* Facilitates meditation
* Opens & clears third eye & crown chakras
* Accelerates intuitive & psychic abilities 
* Helps identify behaviors behind emotional patterns & encourages us to take responsibility for our reality
* Helps release & overcome addictions



Courage, Vitality, Sexuality, Confidence 
* Associated with Root, Sacral & Solar Plexus  Chakras
* Stone of action, helping us to take the leap & manifest our thoughts & desires
* Helps to overcome fear & embrace change & transformation 
* Stone of leadership & courage 
* Strengthens & brings vitality & detoxification
* Assists ailments of the throat, tension headaches & thyroid glands


Green Aventurine

Vitality, Growth, Confidence
* Associated with the Heart Chakra
* Essence of Spring 
* Assists us in finding hope, joy & optimism in daily life 
* Helps us to release attachments to past events & to embrace change, growth & renewal

Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Carnelian & Green Aventurine large Orgonite pyramid

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